Wong Kar Wai would have enjoyed the scene. Pink and purple hues floating all over the dance floor. Glitter in all those neon mismatched messes. Madness in a drunkard's walk. Who would have thought that an entire decade survived on everything bright and flashy? It definitely wounded the noirs and killed the cynics. I was born in this era but could never remember being alive in this kind of scene.
Everybody is just breezing through happy vibes. Everybody is just dancing! (I did when no one was watching=) ) Everybody coming together to have a good time.
And I am more happy for myself that this year, I didn't go home drunk. Aside from winning again, (hooray for food GCs!!) I didn't lose what I just won. Even with all the cannabis hits, pure vodka shots, vodka cranberry cocktails and mojitos I took that night, I was luckily spared from dealing with another morning-after-damage-control.
Congratulations, I am officially becoming a responsible alcoholic.