I came back from Hongkong with my whole life falling into pieces and I've been trying to save it all throughout this week. In work I was trying to get to transfer a wire payment for my client but it got blocked under US authorities because they say my name is allegedly connected to a threatening business. then they are getting a new manager aside from me and even if they say its a great thing, I can't find myself to accept that things are changing fast. They say it doesn't have anything to do with me but it feels that they are taking away my freedom, the freedom to build Manila out of something and put it in a map.
Would things be different? I don't know what I could have done because even if I did everything to change my boss and boss' boss's minds, they are still pushing the idea.
and after work I don't have anything else. I would be given time which I don't really need. I am already a walking disaster, prone to make my life worse than it already is.
my lovelife is going dowmhill, being caught in all these complicated hook-ups and getting attached to assholes. Asshole #1 - has a kid and live in gf asshole #2 - is 10 years older than I am and he plainly asked if I could sleep for the night.
Seems that I've come up with the perfect gameplan for failure.