Sunday, 15 January 2012

Wisdom for the underdog

Something I read on the newspaper a few months ago:

"Know what you want for yourself and have faith in it. If you don't, then take the time to rediscover the things about you. Don't be pressured by the illusion of time or be rattled by comparing yourself with others -- Life is not a race. Grab every opportunity that will make you learn and grow. Don't lose curiosity - this will open your doors to the unthinkable. Don't let fear take over your dreams. There is time for mistakes and risks, so better now than later. Hindsight is always 20/20. Now I know that you can do anything as long as you put your heart in it. Everything takes time, everything happens for a reason, everything changes. At 26, your problems may seem to be the be-all-and-end-all but they will heal. Problems are not permanent and no pain will stay for long. Above all, attitude is everything --it affects how you view matters and how you rise above difficulties. You always have a choice: whether to be pulled by the day's troubles or to be in the moment, enjoying the moment."
I am only 24 but this already speaks volumes to me, considering the current state I am in. This is the way to go.

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